Which fruits contain calcium?

Which Fruits Contain Calcium: Many of us know that dairy products like cheese, milk, and others are rich in calcium. But do you know that fruits also contain calcium? Curious, right? 

Look into the article below, to know what types of fruits have calcium, a list of fruits that are at the top list, and much more information is provided. Read out to know more. 

Which Fruits Contain Calcium

Best Top Fruits That Contain Calcium

Food name Calcium (mg) Serving
Kumquat 62 100 g
Orange 43 100 g
Fig 35 100 g
Kiwi 34 100 g
Lime 33 100 g
Blackberries 29 100 g
Lemon 26 100 g
Raspberries 25 100 g
Grapefruit 22 100 g
Papaya 20 100 g
Guava 18 100 g
Strawberries 16 100 g
Apricot 13 100 g
Cherries 13 100 g
Pineapple 13 100 g
Passion Fruit 12 100 g
Mango 11 100 g
Grapes 10 100 g
Pomegranate 10 100 g
Cantaloupe 9 100 g
Pear 9 100 g
Cranberries 8 100 g
Watermelon 7 100 g
Plum 6 100 g
Nectarine 6 100 g
Peach 6 100 g
Blueberries 6 100 g
Apple 6 100 g
Honeydew Melon 6 100 g
Banana 5 100 g
Asian Pear 4 100 g
Plantain 2 100 g

Look into the above list of fruits that contain calcium that are on the top list. 

As we all know, Calcium is an essential mineral as it helps support the development of healthy teeth, bones, and many others. But if you are vegan, and looking for calcium-rich foods these fruits that have calcium are best.

Which Fruit is Rich in Calcium?

When you think of fruits that are rich in calcium, oranges can be considered as calcium-rich foods, and oranges contain 43mg in 100 grams. Whereas others provide 140mg of calcium and 11% DV. 

Why Do We Need Calcium To Our Body?

Calcium is needed in our body to strengthen our bones and teeth. Many researchers also say that low dietary intake of calcium is a risk factor for developing high blood pressure. Also, many other researchers say that calcium deficiency is caused due to rickets.

What is the Risk of Having Too Little Calcium in Our Body?

Having too Little calcium in our body may lead to many health problems in children and adults. When you can see calcium deficiency in children they may not reach a certain height needed.

In adults, they may have low bone mass which is a risk factor for osteoporosis.