Top 5+ Substitutes for Apple Juice | What Is The Best Apple Juice Substitute for Cooking, Baking, Drinking?

Have you ever faced a tragic situation like missing out on the apple juice ingredient for making your favorite dish? Don't be sad!

Here are some best and simple alternatives for apple juice. Think creatively and know which apple juice substitute can be suited for the recipe.

When you love the taste and aroma of apple juice then it can be sweet or savory, you should try out these substitutes and make your cuisine different yet tasty. 

What Is An Apple Juice?

Apple juice is a juice or syrup that got extracted from fresh apples. The preparation of apple juice can be done in two steps, crushing and straining. You can be simple to make at home and even possible to find it in any small to big grocery store or near your local farmer's market. 

There are numerous variations in apple juice and they are filtered or unfiltered, sweetened or unsweetened. As I said before apple juice can be made at home or store-bought. But the shelf life of both apple juice types is different.

Homemade apple juice last for a short period of time when you store it properly in the fridge. Store-bought apple juice stays fresh for a longer time as it includes some preservatives. Also, you can get bacteria-free apple juice at stores with many health advantages. 

List of Best Substitutes For Apple Juice (Unsweet and Sweet Versions)

Apple juice is rich in antioxidants, and vitamin C, increases immune health, and lessens the danger of metabolic syndrome.

You can use this apple juice as beverages or in cooking different recipes like glazed sweet potatoes, smoothies, and marination of ribs, meat, lamb, etc.

If you suddenly run out of apple juice while making a dish then make use of these sweetened and unsweetened apple juice substitutes that are mentioned below. 

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Lime juice or Lemon juice
  • Rice wine vinegar
  • White wine vinegar
  • Carbonated soda
  • White grape juice
  • Apple syrup
  • Pear juice

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not a kind of apple juice but both are extracted by the apples itself. Apple cider vinegar is acetic acid made from fermenting apples that treats various health issues and acts like medicine for years.

The smell and taste of ACV are not so favorite but give the best results. The taste of your recipe may change after the replacement of apple juice but adding extra sugar to it can be a great replacement. 

Lime juice or Lemon juice

Lemon and Lime juices are great substitutes for Apple juice. You can try this deadly combination in various recipes like salads, dips, sauces, etc.

You have to mix this sourness tasted ingredient with sugar to balance out the sweet flavor and match the flavors in the recipe. 

The substitution of lime juice for apple juice can be done easily, just add 1 tbsp of sugar to four tbsps of lime juice.

While replacing, use 1/2 tbsp of the previously mixed liquid for 1 tbsp of apple juice.  

For substituting lemon juice for apple juice, first, add 3 tbsp of lemon juice and 1/2 tbsp of sugar.

Now, mix them well and replace 1/2 tbsp of mixed lemon juice syrup with tbsp of apple juice in baking, cooking, and drink recipes.  

Also Check: 

Carbonated soda

Surprising right? I was also surprised to know that soda can be a substitute for apple juice prior. But now I feel happy to hear that soda is the best replacement for apple juice in some cuisines.

The substitution ratio of soda and apple juice will be the same but make sure to take the taste test and then prepare the large batch. Using a similar fruit-flavored soda or ginger ale or Sprite as the substitution for apple juice. 

White grape juice

One more sweet and healthy fruit juice like apple juice is White grape juice. It has similar sweet sourness and fruitiness flavors which helps to replace apple juice in smoothies, cocktails, desserts, and other drinks.

This sweet apple juice substitute aids your health condition, great for low blood pressure, best healthy juice for bone and brain, and protects us from the risk of heart problems and high cholesterol.

Better to try the taste of it once before replacing the grape juice in place of apple juice for the large batch. You can add grape juice in the same quantity as apple juice in any recipe. 

Related Posts: 

Apple syrup

Apple syrup is one more apple juice you can replace it. It has a thick and sweetest taste than apple juice. It's best to dilute the syrup with water and use it in the drinking, cooking, and baking recipes for the same taste and texture.

Not only in smoothies or fruit juices or drinks, but you can also try directly in mineral water or as ice cubes to cool down your temperature while the summer season.

If you want to substitute apple syrup in sweet dishes then replace it in the same ratio. For a non-sweet recipe, mix it in water to remove the sweetness. Try adding half cup of water and half or 1/4th cup of syrup for the replacement of 1 cup of apple juice. 

Pear juice

Pear fruit belongs to the Rosaceae family like apples so they can be identical in flavors like sweet and sour. You can add this apple juice substitute to any recipe like cakes, cookies, pancakes, fruit juice, smoothies, etc.

Also, pear juice has the same nutritional facts as apple juice like weight loss, healthy, and transfers antioxidants and anticancer effects. Overall, pear juice can be the best substitute for apple juice and the substitution ratio is 1:1. 

How To Select The Best Substitute For Apple Juice?

If you look for apple juice substitutes when you run out of apple juice in your pantry then considering these factors help you pick the best one for your recipe. Here are the factors: 

Nutritional Value

Apple juice has a strong nutritional value and comes with various health aids. You can substitute apple juice with other similar nutritional value juices and substitutes. You can easily replace other fruit juices or liquid alternatives in place of apple juice but with no sugar. 


One more factor to look for before choosing an apple juice substitute is flavor. Check the flavors of another alternative of apple juice and find the perfect match to use in all the recipes.

None of the fruit juices taste would match with the apple juice but you can pick some of the interesting substitutes like apple cider and pear juice. 


As per the ingredients available at home or in the kitchen store, you should gather the other recipe ingreidents and adjust to that situation. If you can visit the grocery store or supermarket before cooking or baking then pick the suited juice for apple juice. 

Some more considerations when replacing apple juice with another ingredient in a recipe are as listed: 

  1. Acidity
  2. Needed Volume
  3. Sugar Content
  4. Level of Sweetness
  5. Alcohol Content

FAQs On Alternatives of Apple Juice For Baking, Drinking & Cooking

Key Outcomes

We feel glad about the information provided in this guide called Apple Juice Substitute. Hoping that the shared data on the same helped you to some extent while running out the apple juice at the pantry.

If you find any new apple juice substitute in the market that provides the same taste and texture as your original recipe then let us know via the comment section. Soon will update the content and make everyone try out the new alternative of apple juice. 

Apple Juice Substitution For Beverages

By Dr. Steven Smith MS, RDN, CNSC

Running out of apple juice and looking for the best ways then swapping out with other Apple Juice Substitute solves your issue.

Apple Juice Substitution For Beverages
Prep Time
02 minutes
Cook Time
02 minutes
Total Time
04 minutes


  • Carbonated Soda
    • 1 Glass of Carbonated Soda
  • White Wine Vinegar
    • 1 Tablespoon of White Wine Vinegar
    • 1/2 Tablespoon of Sugar
  • Sherry Wine
    • 1 Glass of Sherry Wine


  • 1 Substitution of Apple Juice with Carbonated Soda
    • 1 Add 1 glass of soda for 1 glass of apple juice
  • 2 Replacement of Apple Juice with White Wine Vinegar
    • 1 To replace white wine vinegar for apple juice, add a half tbsp of sugar and 1 tbsp of white wine vinegar then substitute in the same ratio.
  • 3 How To Substitute Sherry Wine For Apple Juice?
    • 1 Use the 1:1 substitution ratio for replacement of apple juice with sherry wine as it has a same sweetness and taste like apple juice.