What Can You Substitute For Baking Powder? - Best Homemade Substitute For Baking Powder

What Can you Substitute For Baking Powder: If you are a baking lover or if you are into a work of baking goods like cakes or cookies then you people know the importance of baking powder and in most houses, baking powder is the most common ingredient that we use for cooking and baking that will help you to add volume and lighten the texture of cooking dishes and baked goods.

But there will be some cases where the baking powder is unavailable and at that time always we can't run to shops to bring it. So, in this article, we are going to discuss what can you substitute for baking powder when you dont have it and along with it we are going to see a homemade substitute for baking powder, a substitute for baking powder in cake, and many more. If you are excited, just scroll down!!

What Can You Substitute For Baking powder

Best Handy Substitutes For Baking Powder

  • Buttermilk
  • Cream of Tartar
  • Yogurt
  • Molasses
  • Vinegar
  • Egg Whites
  • Club Soda
  • Sour Milk

As we all know baking powder is the most important ingredient for baked goods to increase their volume. Sometimes we will forget to bring it from the store or sometimes it may go bad that you have at home.

At that time these best handy substitutes will help you to use in place of baking powder. Look into the substitutes one by one below that save these substitutes from lacking baking powder.


When we think of a substitute in place of baking powder buttermilk along with baking soda will be the best as buttermilk will be slightly soured and also is acidic.

Since the baking powder is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate, you can mix buttermilk with baking soda which will create the same compound. To use that substitute, in place og 1 tablespoon of baking powder, use half a cup of milk, and one-fourth tablespoon of baking soda.

So mix the substitute accordingly, so that you will get a nice fluffy texture same as when you add baking powder.

Cream of Tartar

When you are going to use cream of tartar as a substitute for baking powder, it is nothing but making homemade baking powder. If you are a baking lover, you might have this ingredient with you.

When you mix cream of tartar along with the baking soda that will help the baking goods to rise. To replace one teaspoon of baking powder, mix one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda with five by the fourth teaspoon of cream of tartar.


Yogurt is another good ingredient to use instead of baking powder as yogurt is a naturally acidic ingredient. It will act as a baking powder when you mix it with baking soda.

But one thing you need to remember is always to use plain yogurt, not flavored one. Mix half a cup of yogurt and one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda, to make a DIY baking powder at home. Also Read:


When you listen to this or by seeing this you may get surprised, because many of them dont know that molasses is also an acidic product that can be used as a baking powder substitute.

As molasses has a distinct taste it can change your recipe and even the color of the food too. Mix this one-fourth cup of molasses with one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda for 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

But use this as a substitute only in the recipes like cakes and cookies which are already having a distinct flavor of caramel or are rich and warm.


When you don't have anything at home, you can use vinegar as a substitute for baking powder as vinegar is also a neutral-tasting acid.

Combining one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of white vinegar will be the best substitute for baking powder. Vinegar when reacts with baking powder gives you the leavening powers that you need.

Egg Whites

We are having another great option when you dont have the baking powder or even baking soda on hand. Just all you need to do is whip egg whites because whipping egg whites will create air bubbles that help to increase the volume and lightness of baking goods. As using baking soda is not good, this will be the best substitute for baking powder.

Club Soda

When you are missing baking powder and even baking soda at home, we are having the best substitute that is having the same carbonate in it which is club soda. Adding soda to the baking goods it will help you to rise the baked goods.

However, it doesn't have a large amount of carbonate in it. Always best to use only in the dishes where you can add a bit of volume like pancakes.

Sour Milk

By listening to this name you may dont feel appetized. But if you have sour milk at home, you can use this in your baked good. It will act exactly like buttermilk. When you add this sour milk with baking soda it gives the best substitute for baking powder.

For that, use a half cup of sour milk, and one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda will help you to replace the one teaspoon of baking powder. Other Articles: What Can You Substitute For Butter

Homemade Substitute For Baking Powder

When it comes to making a homemade substitute you can easily so in place of baking powder will be lemon juice. Because mostly in every home there will be lemons always and you can easily do.

It is also the same as vinegar as it has acidic nature, it will help you to use it instead of baking powder when you mix it with baking soda. But when you add lemon into the recipe you may get some flavor of lemon in the final dish, if you don't mind you add it other wise go for another alternative.

To use lemon as a substitute, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice plus one-fourth teaspoon of baking soda to make 1 teaspoon of baking powder. And always try to add fresh lemon juice as it will have more citric acid.

Substitute For Baking Powder in Cake

If you are making arrangements to make a cake, and suddenly when you have opened a packet of baking powder and you have seen that the packet got expired. Dont get disappointed. Just use your self-rising flour which comes along with the baking powder.

This is a combo of all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. Without any use of baking soda and powder, you can use this in your cake recipe. Even you can replace the baking powder and baking soda with self-rising flour so that there will not be any problem.

If you don't have this self-rising flour, check out our above sections as we have provided you with many baking powder substitutes.

FAQs on What Can I Use Instead of Baking Powder

Key Takeaways

We hope we had shed some light on you on what can you substitute for baking powder. As you have seen many types of substitutes use the best one that you can use and do comment to us about which you have used as a substitute.

Even if you have any doubts feel free to comment to us, and we will resolve them as soon as possible. For more interesting substitute articles, you can check out our canyousubstitute.com website.