Which fruits contain the most protein?

Which Fruits Contain The Most Protein: Are you vegan and looking for food that has high protein? You may think of many foods but you may not think about fruits any time.

Look into the article to see the list of fruits that have the most protein in them. Also, check out other information related to it. Read on below to know the top 15 fruits that have the most protein. 

Which Fruits Contain the Most Protein

Top Delicious Fruits That Have Most Protein to Add to Your Diet

Food name Protein (g) Serving
Guava 2.6 100 g
Passion Fruit 2.2 100 g
Kumquat 1.9 100 g
Pomegranate 1.7 100 g
Apricot 1.4 100 g
Blackberries 1.4 100 g
Raspberries 1.2 100 g
Nectarine 1.1 100 g
Kiwi 1.1 100 g
Cherries 1.1 100 g
Banana 1.1 100 g
Lemon 1.1 100 g
Peach 0.91 100 g
Orange 0.91 100 g
Clementine 0.85 100 g
Cantaloupe 0.84 100 g
Mango 0.82 100 g
Plantain 0.79 100 g
Grapefruit 0.77 100 g
Fig 0.75 100 g
Blueberries 0.74 100 g
Grapes 0.72 100 g
Plum 0.7 100 g
Lime 0.7 100 g
Strawberries 0.67 100 g
Watermelon 0.61 100 g
Pineapple 0.54 100 g
Honeydew Melon 0.54 100 g
Asian Pear 0.5 100 g
Papaya 0.47 100 g
Cranberries 0.46 100 g
Pear 0.36 100 g
Apple 0.26 100 g

Look into the above list of fruits that have the most protein that helps your body for muscles and cells. The given list is sorted by the amount of protein that is contained in a one-cup serving of each fruit. 

The daily value of protein that your body needs is 50 grams per day. 

Do Fruits Contain Proteins?

When you think of protein food, most of them don't think about fruits. Fruits contain proteins like avocado, guava, and pomegranates, and have the most significant amounts of protein. 

But if you eat only fruits you may not get the amount that you need. Along with other foods, you just add some of these fruits as well.

Are Bananas High in Protein?

No, Bananas have only a small amount of protein but they also have a fair amount of carbs, water, fiber, and antioxidants. And also it has 112 calories in it. 

Which Fruits Have More Protein Apple or Banana?

Normally, protein is essential to maximize the results of your training and aid the recovery of the muscles. Bananas have more protein than apples because apples contain 0.5g whereas 1.8g of protein is in bananas. 

Do check other similar articles that are high in protein like Which Dairy Products Have the Most Protein, Which Cheese Have More Protein, and many more are available. Stay in touch without our food lists page for more other articles @canyousubstitute.com