Which seafood has the most cholesterol?

Which Seafood Has the Most Cholesterol?: Your love for seafood is unconditional and if you eat seafood regularly then its a time to keep a stop on it.

We all know that seafood is a great source of fats but eating them moderately is the key to good health. Fish provides good and bad cholesterol so choosing the good cholesterol kind of seafood is perfect for many health issues.

Get knowledge on what seafood is high in cholesterol from the below modules and stay healthy.  

List Of High Cholesterol Seafood To Avoid

Here is another food list on cholesterol-rich seafood. If you want to gather information more on seafood and its nutrients then run to the Food Lists page right away: 

Food name Cholesterol (mg) Serving
Squid 233 100 g
Shrimp 211 100 g
Eel 161 100 g
Sardine 142 100 g
Crayfish 114 100 g
Oyster 100 100 g
Crab 97 100 g
Octopus 96 100 g
Lobster 90 100 g
Anchovy 85 100 g
Herring 77 100 g
Whitefish 77 100 g
Mackerel 75 100 g
Trout 74 100 g
Clam 67 100 g
Catfish 66 100 g
Haddock 66 100 g
Salmon 63 100 g
Halibut 60 100 g
Tilapia 57 100 g
Flounder 56 100 g
Cod 55 100 g
Bass 53 100 g
Grouper 47 100 g
Tuna 47 100 g
Snapper 47 100 g
Canned Tuna 42 100 g
Scallop 41 100 g

Cholesterol is a molecule present in the human body which is crucial for life. It does maintain normal cell functioning and other roles. It seems like a fat-like waxy compound having the right amount of good cholesterol keeps your cells healthy. 

Avoiding high-cholesterol foods is a must so check out some of our guides on foods that have the most cholesterol below.   

What seafood fish is high in cholesterol? 

Seafood fish like squid and shrimp are very high in cholesterol among others. Moreover, seafood is the best in low trans fat and saturated fat.

As it provides a greater impact on blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol does. But most fish are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids so they are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats. 

Can I eat seafood if I have high cholesterol?

Yes, you can eat seafood like fish with high cholesterol. Doctors will suggest cholesterol people add fish to their diet meals and balance their cholesterol levels.

Choose fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, low in saturated fats, and low in cholesterol. This nutrition of fish is perfect for keeping the heart healthy and also helps in preventing cardiovascular disease. 

How much fish should I consume? 

Fish can be served two times a week which includes one serving of oily fish nearly 4.9 oz. The oily types fishes are salmon, sardines, trout, or mackerel. The non-oily fish is Tuna. It is recommended to avoid eating fish during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 

Which types of fish contain the least cholesterol?

The low-cholesterol type of fish is listed below per 100 grams of serving: 

  • Tuna - 47mg
  • Snapper - 47mg
  • Grouper - 47mg
  • Canned tuna - 42mg
  • Scallop - 41mg