Which springtime vegetables are highest in calcium

Which Springtime Vegetables are Highest in Calcium?: Have you ever thought of foods other than dairy products to get enough calcium? If yes, then you found the answer here. 

Springtime vegetables such as dark leafy greens and green vegetables are full of bone-building calcium. So, you’ve stepped on the right page. 

List of Springtime Vegetables Have The Most Calcium 

Here are the food lists regarding the calcium-rich springtime veggies.

Food name Calcium (mg) Serving
Collard Greens 141 100 g
Turnip Greens 137 100 g
Spinach 136 100 g
Mustard Greens 115 100 g
Beet Greens 114 100 g
Swiss Chard 58 100 g
Cabbage 48 100 g
Celery 42 100 g
Broccoli 40 100 g
Turnips 33 100 g
Lettuce 33 100 g
Carrots 30 100 g
Peas 27 100 g
Radishes 25 100 g
Asparagus 23 100 g
Onions 22 100 g
Avocado 13 100 g
Mushroom 6 100 g

Calcium-based Springtime Veggies List

Now, you are aware of what springtime veggies have the highest calcium count. So, try using all of them in the next spring season and increase your bone health.

Also, refer to the below modules and clarify your mini to major doubts about calcium-rich springtime vegetables. For other calcium-rich foods do visit our website or make use of these available links below: 

Are Springtime Vegetables High in Calcium? 

Yes, Springtime Vegetables are Highest in Calcium besides dairy foods. Calcium-rich Indian veggies are essential for the body to develop bone health along with dairy foods.  

How Much Calcium is in Dark Leafy Greens?

The amount of calcium in dark leafy vegetables like 1/2 cup of raw spinach and 1/2 cup of collard greens includes 135 milligrams of calcium.

Do Springtime Leafy Greens Have More Calcium Than Milk?

Yes, some of the spring season greens have more calcium than milk and other dairy foods. This sort of calcium intake approach will help people allergic to dairy products.